Metro Exodus Launching on Steam Mid-February, Epic Exclusivity Ending
After a year of exclusivity, starting on February 15th, the Epic Games Store will no longer be the only PC digital store front where you’ll be able to purchase Metro Exodus. Of course, you’ll also be able to buy all the DLCs as well as the base game. If I had it my way, it would also be on, but that’s fine, I’ll be fine.

As I’m sure you all remember, Metro Exodus caught some serious heat a few months before launch. The reason was that Epic snatched the game as an exclusive for their then brand-new store at the eleventh hour, which made a whole bunch of people mad. Whether or not the outrage was warranted, I don’t even wanna touch that. You can fight it out in the comments, if you really want to. Whatever your stance on the matter is, though, one thing is for certain: the exclusivity period is nearing its end. You’ll finally be able to play Metro Exodus on PC via Steam.
To be more precise, Metro Exodus is coming to Steam on Saturday, February 15th; a full year after it released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC as an Epic Games Store exclusive. That’s just a couple of days after the Sam’s Story DLC launches. So, essentially, your reward for your patience is going to be the opportunity to play the whole package right out the gate.
And, well, there we have it. Now, everybody that wants to can play Metro Exodus on their platform of choice. Except me, because my favorite launcher / store is GOG. What about me? Where are my consumer rights, huh? I’m just kidding, of course. Anyway, if you’re still refusing the Epic Store, well, just use Steam. All things considered, if you’re a Metro fan in general, I think Exodus is worth your money.