Metro Exodus How to Kill Demon with Fire - Firebird Trophy
Killing a demon with fire in Metro Exodus is a prerequisite for getting one of the achievement. Specifically, for getting the Firebird trophy / achievement in Metro Exodus. There are several ways to defeat a Metro Exodus demon with fire. Some are much easier than others. That being said, here’s our Metro Exodus How to Kill Demon with Fire – Firebird Trophy guide to show you the easiest way to down a demon in flames, and make getting the Firebird achievement without too much trouble.

How to Kill Demon With Fire in Metro Exodus for Firebird Trophy?
To kill a demon using fire in Metro Exodus, and this earn the Firebird Trophy, there are several ways to approach the problem. We’re going to show you the arguably easiest way here. First of all, you’ll have to push towards Chapter 3 of the game, The Volga. Keep playing until you get access to a work bench (found in the safe houses, aka the green houses on the map). Once there, craft yourself at the very least two Molotov cocktails.
Next up, go to the southeast corner of the map, across the huge train yard. Check out the screenshot below for the exact location. Climb up the huge silo-like structure, and you’ll come across a nest, with a demon hiding inside it. Make sure you approach it in the daytime. It should be asleep, and it won’t bother you until you attack it first or approach too close. At that point, switch to the Molotovs, and lob one at the demon, then lob another as fast as you can.
The amount of Molotovs you’ll need will depend on the difficulty you’re playing on. You might have to use bullets to supplement your damage. The only thing that seems to be important is that you finish it off with a Molotov. Try to down the demon before it starts flying around, as it’ll get so much more difficult once it’s airborne.
So, that’s the easiest way to kill a demon using fire in Metro Exodus, and earn the Firebird trophy / achievement. If something else in the game is giving you trouble, check out our other Metro Exodus guides, including Where to Tune Radio – Join Us on Air Trophy, How to Fix Broken Gas Mask – Martian Trophy, and How to Scrap Weapons & Clean Guns.
I was able to get it by unloading on it with the burning ammo with pneumatic rifle. If it manages to go airborne when trying to molotov it, you’ll notice it stops and floats stationary before it tries to snatch you up. That would be the best opportunity to hit it a few times.