Afrikaans interpreter is a language specialist in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Since a lot of soldiers in Angola speak Afrikaans, you’ll need this translator if you want to interrogate them, or eavesdrop.
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In this guide, we’re going to show you the Afrikaans interpreter location and how to get him. We also have guides with other interpreter locations.
You’ll have the chance to snatch one during Mission 14: Lingua Franca. If you miss him, however, there’s a side op that will pop up, which will lead you to another one.
He can be found in the area south-west of Bampeve Plantation, in a hut. There will be two other soldiers with him. You need him alive – the other two are not important. When you’ve knocked him out, use the Fulton device to extract him to Mother Base.
Thanks for this! It’s concise and pretty easy to follow.