Chicken Hat is an item in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. It looks like a chicken’s head wrapped around your own, and makes the game easier to play.
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In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get chicken hat costume, what you get for wearing it and how it looks.
How To Obtain Chicken Hat
The chicken hat is a joke item. It lowers the difficulty of the game by making you harder for enemies to spot. They won’t see you even when you’re in their field of view (the first 3 times). In return, you can’t get a mission score higher than A while wearing it. It does look fabulous, though.
The hat is available right from the start. You have to enable it from the game menu: Main Menu -> Game Settings. If you fail a mission several times, the game will offer you to turn it on. There’s no way to wear it without affecting the game, sadly.