How to Easily Extract Wandering Mother Base Soldiers | MGSV
Wandering Mother Base soldiers are comrades from the old Mother Base. There’s several side op missions that task you with finding and rescuing them.
The problem is, they start running away as soon as they see you. Either that, or they start throwing grenades at you. Rescuing them all gives you access to Memento Photos and helps unlock the Reminiscence trophy. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to easily extract wandering Mother Base soldiers.
When you enter the designated zone where you need to look for the soldier, equip the cardboard box. Then enter his field of view (hidden inside the box), and he will run towards you. He’ll stare for a couple of moments and eventually recognize you. After that, he’ll salute you and finally let you fulton him peacefully.
Note: Do not exit the box until the soldier realizes it’s you. You might spook him.
When you enter the designated zone where you need to look for the soldier, equip the cardboard box. Then enter his field of view (hidden inside the box), and he will run towards you. He’ll stare for a couple of moments and eventually recognize you. After that, he’ll salute you and finally let you fulton him peacefully.
Note: Do not exit the box until the soldier realizes it’s you. You might spook him.
the easiest way is to put love deterrence song on speaker and just go into them without any box, let them see you if you want and its done
Other easy way to get those soldiers is use dog with stun knife. Just let dog sniff out the soldier, then come little closer and command your dog to attack (stun) WMBS 🙂