Close Contact is the 24th main mission in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. This is a rather short mission with lots of opportunities for extracting materials like four-wheel cars, cargo containers, soldiers and other.
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Extracting heavier stuff, like cargo containers, requires Cargo 2 Fulton Upgrade (which you should have by now). Using Quiet as your buddy and having her use her tranquilizing sniper works like charm.
Obtainable Skills/Blueprints
Mission Text
Rescue the two civilian engineers, one male, one female, being held at Ngumba Industrial Zone, SW Guard Post. They were sent to the area by a medical NGO, but subsequently went missing.
Extracted the male engineer
Male and female engineer are initially found in enemy outpost marked with number 20 on the map. As you come close to their location, male prisoner starts to run away. Try to extract him as quickly as possible because an alarm gets triggered soon after he makes a break for it.
Male prisoner escapes, go after him.
Extract him and get ready for an extraction of the female prisoner.
Extracted the female engineer
Female engineer is found inside one of the two green tents in enemy outpost no. 20. The tent is easy to spot since there are many guards around it. Once the male prisoner escapes, guards will become alarmed and will start moving away from the female prisoner. Rush to the green tent, tranquilize soldiers and successfully extract the female engineer.
Use the confusion of the guards as they all step outside the tent.
Extracted 6 Nubians near Ngumba Industrial Zone, SW Guard Post
There are 6 goats around Outpost 20, extract them all. (thanks Nyx)
Extracted 2 four-wheel drives
There is a large number of four-wheel drive vehicles on the road. The two you need for completing this task can also be found inside the enemy outpost 20.
Extracted 4 materials containers from Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
Almost every outpost has material containers. Two of them are found in outpost 20. There are 4 at the NE Guardpost, Outpost 16 on map. (thanks Nyx)
Picked an African peach near Munoko ya Nioka Station
There is one on an outcrop to the west side of the southern gate at Munoko Ya Nioka Station (thanks Nyx)
Extracted a martial eagle near Munko ya Nioka Station
Bring D-Dog for easier marking, extract one of the eagles flying around near Munko Ya Nioka Station close to the NW Drop Point (Tranq rifle recommended)
We would like to thank Nyx for sending us additional information.
Just wanted to say that, even though I brought D-Dog along with me to find the African Peach, it was covered by some nearby Wormwood on the map on the iDroid, making it hard to spot even when zoomed all the way in. Just a heads-up (again, it’s near the south gate).
Is there a bug in that quest? I’ve extracted every single Material Container in that area, every single one in Munuko ya Nioka Station, in Outpost 16, 19 and 20, but the sidequest “Extract 4 Material Containers” wasn’t solved.
Yeah it is … and i have no solutions.
You have to extract 4 containers in the outpost 16 to compelte it.
In my game, only 2 containers spawn in the outpost 16, and in the videos, they are 4 containers. I don’t know why it happened to us.
Btw, it’s my last side side objective of all missions … please help …
Extract Martial Eagle – Bring D-Dog for easier marking, extract one of the eagles flying around near Munko Ya Nioka Station close to the NW Drop Point (Tranq rifle recommended)
Extract 4 Material Containers – There are 4 at the NE Guardpost, Outpost 16 on map.
Picked African Peach – There is one on an outcrop to the west side of the southern gate at Munoko Ya Nioka Station
Extract 6 Nubians – There are 6 goats around Outpost 20, extract them all.
Extract 6 Nubians – I would recommend doing this before extracting the goats or to tranq them from long distance. I left this for the last and one of the goat got past the hot zone and I completed the mission before finishing this objective.
Just wanted to say that, even though I brought D-Dog along with me to find the African Peach, it was covered by some nearby Wormwood on the map on the iDroid, making it hard to spot even when zoomed all the way in. Just a heads-up (again, it’s near the south gate).
Is there a bug in that quest? I’ve extracted every single Material Container in that area, every single one in Munuko ya Nioka Station, in Outpost 16, 19 and 20, but the sidequest “Extract 4 Material Containers” wasn’t solved.
Yeah it is … and i have no solutions.
You have to extract 4 containers in the outpost 16 to compelte it.
In my game, only 2 containers spawn in the outpost 16, and in the videos, they are 4 containers. I don’t know why it happened to us.
Btw, it’s my last side side objective of all missions … please help …
I did 5 other story missions and the 4 containers (2 red, 2 white) respawned.
Extract Martial Eagle – Bring D-Dog for easier marking, extract one of the eagles flying around near Munko Ya Nioka Station close to the NW Drop Point (Tranq rifle recommended)
Extract 4 Material Containers – There are 4 at the NE Guardpost, Outpost 16 on map.
Picked African Peach – There is one on an outcrop to the west side of the southern gate at Munoko Ya Nioka Station
Extract 6 Nubians – There are 6 goats around Outpost 20, extract them all.
Extract 6 Nubians – I would recommend doing this before extracting the goats or to tranq them from long distance. I left this for the last and one of the goat got past the hot zone and I completed the mission before finishing this objective.