Mass Effect Andromeda Tempest Trophies - Where to find decorations for personal quarters
Tempest trophies are collectibles in Mass Effect Andromeda. They’re figurines and replicas you can use to decorate your personal quarters aboard the Tempest. They’ll let you customize your bedroom and make it more pleasant. Some can be purchased from vendors, while others have to be discovered in the wild. In this guide, we’re going to show you all Mass Effect Andromeda Tempest trophies, how to get them.

Tempest trophy locations in ME: Andromeda
There are 18 of them in total, and each represents a vehicle from the series. Here’s how to get them:
Name | Location | How to get |
Normandy | Nexus | Found in Alec Ryder’s room |
Citadel | Nexus | Bought from General Merchant |
Kett Flaghsip | Nexus | Bought from General Merchant |
Nexus | Nexus | Bought from General Merchant |
Nomad | Nexus | Bought from General Merchant |
MWS Fighter | Nexus | Obtained during Krogan Betrayal quest in Spender’s apartment |
Tempest | Tempest | Reward for completing Movie Night quest |
Hyperion | Eos | Found in Eos Outpost once you’ve established it |
Destiny Ascension | Elaaden | Found near the bar in New Tuchanka, in the east |
Angaran Shuttle | Aya | Reward for completing A Trail of Hope quest |
Remnant Fighter | Aya | Bought from General Merchant |
Athabasca Class Freighter | Aya | Found in Aya Embassy once you’ve built it |
Turian Frigate | Voeld | Found in Voeld Outpost |
Kett Shutttle | Kadara | Bought from General Merchant |
MSW Shuttle | Kadara | Found in Kadara Outpost once you’ve established it |
Alliance Dreadnaught | Kadara | Found above the clinic in Kadara Slums |
MWS Transport | Kadara | Found in side room in Kadara Outpost |
Kett Fighter | Kadara | Found in Sloane’s chambers at Kadara Outpost |
Remnant Derelict | Meridian | Found in epilogue, on Ryder’s desk |
They’re a nice way to decorate what is essentially your home. While most of the figures are vehicles from Andromeda, Mass Effect veterans will notice a couple of familiar names in the list. It’s a nice way to pay homage to the original trilogy.
Can’t find the kett shuttle
After doing a lot of research it looks like the MWA Transport is not actually in the game. It’s listing the the Prima guide is a mistake. That guide leaves out the Normandy which is what makes it 18 models.
It’s in the mass effect andromeda collectors edition guide
There are only 18 spots for the models. The MWA Transport makes it 19. I am holding the Collectors Edition guide in my hands now and it doesn’t list the Normandy as a Tempest Trophy but I now it’s in the game. The Transport is a misprint.
I found it now I’m just missing the mws transport
Ah I found it. It’s in the building with one guy and one room. It looks like a science bay on mine. The building only has one story
Can’t find the Hyperion model in the eos outpost
Neither can I. If anyone can help us it would me much appreciated
Can you help with the MWS Trasnport. I have searched the whole complex 3 times and don’t see it anywhere. Can you be a little more specific on its location
You’re missing the model of the Normandy, which you’ll find in your father’s room on the Nexus.
Thanks for the tip, I’ve added it to the list.