Pre-order Bonuses and Deluxe Editions Details | Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda is the upcoming action RPG by BioWare. It’s the newest installment in the beloved Mass Effect franchise.
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Publisher Electronic Arts announced the pre-order bonuses and deluxe editions details for the game on their website Origin.

Mass Effect Andromeda Pre-order Bonuses and Deluxe Editions DetailsMass Effect: Andromeda is probably one of the most anticipated games right now, save for Final Fantasy XV. The game will drop sometime in the first quarter of 2017. However, it has already won the 2016 Golden Joystick for Most Wanted Game. Electronic Arts and Bioware have been drip-feeding the fans with information. The latest we have is the details on the pre-order bonuses and deluxe editions of the games. Let’s take a look.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Edition Prices

These are the prices of the different editions of the game. The prices are in USD.

  • The Standard Edition of the game costs $59.99. Other than the pre-order bonuses detailed below, it features no other bonuses.
  • The Deluxe Edition sells at $69.99. On top of the pre-order bonuses, you’ll get some extra perks, detailed below.
  • The Super Deluxe Edition is going for $99.99. You’ll get the pre-order bonuses, all of the goodies form the Deluxe Edition, and one more little something. Take a look at the list below for all the details.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Pre-order bonuses

No matter which edition of the game you choose, you’ll get the same pre-order bonuses. They are:

  • Deep Space Explorer Armor
  • According to the info on the website, this armor “can stand up to anything a brand new galaxy can dish out”. We’re not sure what that means yet. Presumably, it’s a snazzy armor that will provide extra protection for your character and not just a cosmetic thing.
  • Multiplayer Booster Pack
  • The booster pack contains five 50% XP boosters.
  • Nomad Skin
  • An alternate skin for your ship, the Nomad. It’ll make sure that your ship “really stands out while you’re exploring mysterious new planets”.

Deluxe Editions of Mass Effect: Andromeda

The Mass Effect: Andromeda Deluxe Edition bonuses are:

  • Pathfinder Casual Outfit
  • Exactly what it says. Just a casual outfit for you to wear in non-combat situations.
  • Scavenger Armor
  • According to the text on the site, it will help you “stand out from the crowd, even when you’re planetside on a deadly new world”.
  • Pathfinder Elite Weapon Set (4)
  • A unique set of weapons.
  • Pet Pyjak
  • Get your own space monkey to follow you on your journey.
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • A digital download of the game’s soundtrack.
  • Multiplayer Deluxe Launch Pack
  • Includes weapons and equipment to “get a head start on Day 1 co-op play”.
The Mass Effect: Andromeda Super Deluxe Edition bonuses are as follows:

  • You’ll get all of the goodies from the Deluxe Edition
  • Multiplayer Super Deluxe Booster Packs
  • This perk will get you weekly Premium Packs for 20 weeks. It provides you with an ongoing boost in co-op play.
If any of this catches your eye, be sure to pre-order the game on Origin.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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