Rethink Choice or Accept the Promise - Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is chalk full of choices you can make. Sometimes, these will have major ramifications, such as in the Sell Rocket or Sell Groot choice, which results in completely different game sequences you will be able to play through. Sometimes, there’s really just one right answer, and the other is a “trap” choice which will give you nothing, such as whether or not to buy the disabler. And then, there are the strange choices. Our Rethink Choice or Accept the Promise – Guardians of the Galaxy guide deals with one of those.

Guardians of the Galaxy Rethink Choice or Accept the Promise
During Chapter 8, Peter Quill (Star-Lord to his friends), will get transported into a fantasy world. Here, he will enter a seemingly perfect fantasy – his mother will be alive and all is well. However, this is only an illusion, one that you need to escape. At the start of the illusion, once you fend off the attackers, Peter’s mom will hug him. This will send Peter deeper into the fantasy. Next thing he knows, he will be working on the truck, and the rest of the Guardians will be inside his old house, happily chatting to him and his mom. Soon, you will get the end credits and be presented with a choice – whether or not to “Rethink choice”, or to “Accept the Promise”.
Let’s go over “Accept the Promise” first. If you select this option, you will essentially get a game over. You will then have to reload the game from the last saved position and make a different choice. If you don’t, you will be stuck in this never-ending loop. So, the correct choice here is to select the “Rethink choice” option. Star-Lord will then be back in his mother’s hug. Only this time, he will be able to break out of it, by shooting her. A traumatic end to this sequence, to be sure, but a necessary choice to get back to reality.