Black Panther Puzzle - Caves of Bashenga - War for Wakanda Marvel's Avengers
The Caves of Bashenga Black Panther puzzle in Marvel’s Avengers War for Wakanda is a relatively simple pressure plate puzzle that you’ll have to solve in order to progress. The purpose of the room is basically to get you used to the way T’Challa moves, so it’s not too hard. However, the symbols you need to press are a little complicated to describe, so you can easily mess up if you’re not paying attention. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to show you how to solve the Caves of Bashenga puzzle in War for Wakanda.

How to Solve Black Panther Puzzle Caves of Bashenga – War for Wakanda
To solve the Caves of Bashenga Black Panther puzzle in Marvel’s Avengers War for Wakanda, you have to step on the four floor plates corresponding to the symbols above the gate you’re trying to open. There are more than four plates scattered around the room, and if you step on the wrong one, you’ll have to start over. So, from the entrance into the room, go left and hug the wall. Jump over the chasm and hop onto the platform above to find the plate with the two squiggly lines. Step on it.
Backtrack to the entrance into the room then head to the right and jump onto the platform with the plate, but don’t step on it. Instead, jump up to the next platform, with the symbol that looks like a six-pointed star. Step on the plate. After that, look to the center of the room and down. You’ll see another pressure plate you can drop down to. It has a symbol that looks like an arrowhead. Step on that plate too.
The last step to solve the Marvel’s Avengers War for Wakanda Black Panther puzzle in Caves of Bashenga is the fourth pressure plate. Make your way to the walkway in the center of the room. Position yourself so that the closed gate is on your right. Hop onto the platform with the pressure plate with the symbol that looks like an eye, but don’t step on it. Instead, jump to the next plate, the one with the panther’s head symbol. Step on that plate, and the gate will open.