Luigi's Mansion 3 How Co-Op Works - How to Play Cooperative Campaign
How to play Cooperative Campaign in Luigi’s Mansion 3 has been the question that a number of players have been asking. After all, Nintendo have been marketing the co-op campaign in Luigi’s Mansion 3 for a while now. Well, long story short, you have to be patient. But, I know that you wanna know now. That being the case, welcome to our Luigi’s Mansion 3 How Co-Op Works – How to Play Cooperative Campaign guide, where we’ll show you exactly how you can play Luigi’s Mansion 3 with friends.

How to Play Coop Campaign in Luigi’s Mansion 3?
To play the Luigi’s Mansion 3 campaign in co-op, you have to first play through the beginning of the game. Basically, at one point, Professor E. Gadd will ask you to go and get his briefcase. Once you get the briefcase and go back into the lab, the professor will introduce you to the horribly-named Gooigi. You will have to sit through a cutscene first, but when it wraps up, you’ll now have a new helper; a clone of yourself made of green goo.
Once you have Gooigi at your side, you can then play the campaign in co-op. To do so, go into the menu, and find the Co-op tab. It’s right below the Map. Then, select Co-Op. After that, you and your friend will have to go through the usual Switch rigmarole of pressing the appropriate buttons. Complete that, and boom, Player 2 has entered the game, and they will be playing as Gooigi. The game supports any combo of controllers: Two Pro controllers, one Pro and one pair of Joy-Cons, two pairs of Joy-Cons. You can even play on one Joy-Con each.
That’s it for playing the cooperative campaign in Luigi’s Mansion 3. There are also two multiplayer-only modes that you can access through one of the screen in the professor’s laboratory. They’re called ScareScreaper and ScarePark; both of them with their own unique challenges for you to conquer. Good luck out there!