The Stone of Power Lost Ark Walkthrough
Lost Ark is all about progression. Although this usually means progressing through levels and areas, sometimes it also requires that you progress through certain quests before you can take on other ones. For example, to get to the “Revenge Is Mine” quest, you will need to complete the following quests first: “Who’s There?!”, “A Sad History”, and “The Stone of Power.” This last one in particular is giving many players a lot of grief. This is because this quest requires that you find several things and their location isn’t easy to figure out. Because of that, we’ve decided to provide a complete walkthrough for The Stone of Power quest in Lost Ark.

The Stone of Power Lost Ark
You will receive this quest from the Legendary Blacksmith at Serenity Isle. This NPC needs you to bring them several items so that he can use them to craft a powerful object. These are: Pieces of the Shadowfallen Giant Locarok (0/15), The Pebbling’s stone fragments, and The 4th Claw of Thanatos. In the next section, we will show you where to find all of these.
Collect Shadowfallen Giant Locarok & Pebbling’s Stone Fragments
To be able to get the first two of these, you will need to go to Tortoyk Island. Then, go to the Forest of Giants on that island and enter the Tortoyk’s Heart dungeon from that location. Clear out the entire dungeon here and you will collect these two first items.

Collect the 4th Claw of Thanatos
To get this item, head to Yudia. Once there, proceed to the Saland Hill zone and from it, go to the Morai Ruins dungeon there. Like before, clear out the entire dungeon and defeat Thanatos. This boss will drop the 4th Claw of Thanatos when defeated. All that’s left now is to bring back all the items back to the Legendary Blacksmith on Serenity Isle.