Solar Salt Candy Location Lost Ark Hidden Story
The Lost Ark Solar Salt Candy hidden story locations are places where you can find these collectibles for your Yudia Adventurer’s Tome. There are three candies to find, but there are four locations, interestingly enough. All of them are pretty well-hidden though, so it’s quite the task to find them. So, without further ado, let’s see where they are.

Lost Ark Solar Salt Candy Hidden Story First Location
The first Solar Salt Candy location in the Lost Ark Yudia hidden story is in the center of the area west of the Nomad Camp in Saland Hill. You can see the exact place in the image below. Other than that, I can’t give you any geographical pointers, since the candy is at the base of a rock in the middle of a chunk of salt desert. The only thing we can say is that it’s near a whole bunch of Salt Desert Mera Snakes, so be careful out there.

Solar Salt Candy 2nd Location Lost Ark Hidden Story
Lost Ark Solar Salt Candy 2 seems to appear in two different places, interestingly enough. The first location you can go is the rickety wooden bridge south of the Salt Works triport. It’s on the edge of the bridge; you’ll know you found it when you get the Investigate icon. Location number two is in the north of the Nomad Camp in Aregal Salt Plains. It’s right next to the anvil icon on the minimap. Choose whichever works best for you, or just collect them both for extra safety. It’d be simple enough to do.
Where to Find Solar Salt Candy 3rd Location in Lost Ark
To find the third Solar Salt Candy in the Lost Ark Yudia hidden story is also in the Nomad Camp in Aregal Salt Plains. Feel free to use the local triport to get there quickly, if you don’t feel like trudging through the desert. Once you get to the camp, head to the south edge of the camp. You’ll find the candy between the Cook and the Gear Merchant, aka the chef’s hat and the crossed swords on the minimap.