Lost Ark Rambutan Orchard's Secret Location
Lost Ark is filled with all manner of content. Sometimes, this comes in the form of straightforward quests which you can complete fairly easily. And sometimes, these can be a lot harder to solve. The “Rambutan Orchard’s Secret” falls firmly in this second category. To complete it, you will, of course, need to find its location. This can be very complicated to do, for several reasons. Luckily, our Lost Ark Rambutan Orchard’s Secret Location guide will tell you exactly where it is.

Where to Find Rambutan Orchard’s Secret Area in Lost Ark
The objective in this quest is to “Go to the secret area in the Rambutan Orchard.” While this appears like a very simple task, the description for this quest has left many players perplexed: “I picked up the key that the orchard keeper dropped. With this key, I could open the round orchard warehouses that are locked. I was told the secret orchard in the Rambutan Orchard is near the northeast side.” Naturally, due to this, most players have been busy searching for it to the northeast section of the map, and feeling like they missed something when they couldn’t locate it there.
Well, the reason for this is very simple. The location of this isn’t to the northeast. It is, in fact, closer to the middle of the map. We’ve marked the exact location in our screenshot down below. When you get to this spot, you will see a shack with a glowing circle in front of it. This indicates that you need to go inside. Once you are there, all you need to do to finish up this quest is to examine the table there. After that, mark the quest as complete in your journal to get your rewards for completing it.

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