Lost Ark Delayed, Closed Beta Coming in November
Good and bad news has arrived for MMPORG fans as Lost Ark is delayed, but with a Closed Beta coming in November. Originally scheduled for release in Fall 2021, the game is now set back to early 2022. This news broke on their Twitter account and through email to advanced purchasers. A huge hit when launched to a Korean audience in 2018, Lost Ark has been eagerly awaited in the West. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait a little longer to get their hands on it.

The game is being brought to the US and Europe courtesy of Smilegate and Amazon Games. In June of this year, a technical alpha took place. Performance and audio issues, along with recent changes to the Korean version, are specified as causes for Lost Ark being delayed.
An email from Amazon itself to advanced purchasers slates a new release date of March 31st, 2022. While this is not an official release date, it is a solid estimation from the company releasing the game.
New Lost Ark Beta Release Date
The new Lost Ark beta release date will be from 4th to 9th of November 2021. This Beta will be open to those who have purchased the Lost Ark Founders Pack. You can also sign up on their tester page if you have not already bought the game.

The company themselves acknowledge that updates have been quiet. Their commitment is to update more and increase communication with those waiting to play the game. Official forums and a Discord channel will open in October to assist with this.
Social media has split down the middle on this one. Many people are angry at the lack of communication from Amazon Games so far. Others are happy to wait for a finished, complete game that already has a sterling track record.