An Important Record Lost Ark Rictus Spawn Time
The Rictus spawn time in Lost Ark An Important Record has become a matter of some contention. The quest giver tells you that you have to fight something or someone named Rictus on the fifth floor of the tower. You then get Leshar’s Record and take it back to the NPC that gave you the mission. However, if you get to the fifth floor, you might not be able to find Rictus. What’s going on? Well, let’s find out.

Lost Ark An Important Record – Rictus Spawn Time
The spawn time of Rictus in the An Important Record quest in Lost Ark is a bit of a toss-up. See, the NPC that gives you the quest, Ryndon, tells you that you need to defeat Rictus on the fifth floor of the tower. You get up there, and you don’t see Rictus, you see some dude called Alifer, coming at you with a giant mace. What gives? Well, as it turns out, Rictus is not the only boss that spawns on this floor. So, what you actually have to do is stay there and keep fighting until you eventually get the monster you need. This is all easier said than done, because the bosses have somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 million hit points, so you’d better hope you’ll find other people there.
So, yeah; that’s the catch with the Rictus spawn time in the Lost Ark An Important Record quest – you never know when he’s actually going to spawn. As far as I know, it’s totally RNG. I could be wrong; if there is some kind of rhyme or reason to it, do let me know in the comments below. Just know that it does spawn on the fifth floor of the tower; it’s not a bug or anything like that. You simply have to be patient and keep fighting until Rictus eventually appear. When you do beat it and get Leshar’s Record, head back to Ryndon and hand the quest in.