Lost Ark Harmony Shard
Lost Ark Harmony Shards are a special resource that you can use to upgrade your weapons and armor. Specifically, they are necessary in the stage where you increase the XP of the item, preparing it for further upgrades, as it were. Fortunately, there are several ways to get these Harmony Shards, though none of them super-easy. Let’s get into the details, shall we?

How to Get Harmony Shards in Lost Ark
To get Harmony Shards in Lost Ark, there are a number of things you can do. For example, you can complete the Chaos Dungeon activities. Note that you won’t be able to enter these until you reach at least Combat Level 50 and Item Level 250. That’s just to enter the first level of these dungeons, mind you, but that’s enough to farm some Harmony Shards. You won’t be swimming in them, yes, but it’s something. Keep in mind that you can run these dungeons twice a day for full rewards. To participate in these activities, you can just go to the kneeling angel statues that can be found in towns. Their icons on the map look like a yellow jewel standing on a winged pedestal. The basic principle of these dungeons is “kill everything before the timer runs out.” Have fun!
Another way to get Lost Ark Harmony Shards is to play through the many levels of The Tower. This is another end-game activity, so don’t go sauntering in unprepared. That said, in the Tower, you can earn Harmony Shard Pouches of various sizes. These can give you anywhere between two and five hundred Harmony Shards, depending on the type of Pouch. Lastly, you can sometimes earn Harmony Shards by completing different daily and weekly quests, as well as world and chain quests. They’re not always gonna grant you the Shards, but they’re always worth doing regardless.