Haberk to the Ship Lost Ark, Leave Shipwreck
While Lost Ark is, generally, a very comfortable game to play with a very intuitive user interface, sometimes, for one reason or another, a specific section crops up that is difficult to do. The “Haberk to the Ship” is one such quest. During this quest, you will need to leave the shipwreck. However, many players will struggle with this? So, what’s the problem here – is the quest bugged? Or is it something else entirely? Keep reading our Haberk to the Ship Lost Ark, Leave Shipwreck guide to learn how to get off the shipwreck.

How to Leave Shipwreck Lost Ark Haberk to the Ship
The description for the “Haberk to the Ship” quest doesn’t provide a lot of information about what to do. It reads: “Bastian from Arthetine wants me to meet the sailor Haberk. The hearty Umar is an experienced adventurer who spent countless hours at sea. I wonder what adventures we might have while traveling to Vern.” At a certain point in this quest, you will be shipwrecked. This is the point that is giving players trouble. You will find yourselves on top of the sinking hull of the ship. The game doesn’t give you any clues about what you’re supposed to do to leave. Some players have reported that they have spent over half an hour aimlessly wandering around before they figured out what they needed to do.
To save you this precious time, we will straight up tell you what’s needed here. The only way you can leave this place is by playing the Song of Escape. A very simple solution that wasn’t explained to the player very well. So, when you find yourselves in this situation, to leave the shipwreck, simply press “F2”, select this song, play it, and you will then get off the shipwreck.