Lost Ark Golden Wave Island Token

The Lost Ark Golden Wave Island token is one of many such tokens that you can find in the game. These items are very valuable, because they help level up your character. The issue is that every token requires you to do something different on the island whose name the item bears. So, you first have to figure out where to find Golden Wave Island, and then what you need to do to get the token. That’s why we’ve written this guide, in which we’ll cover both of those points.

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lost ark golden wave island token
Lost Ark Golden Wave Island Token

How to Get Golden Wave Island Token in Lost Ark

To get the Golden Wave Island Token in Lost Ark, you first need to get to the island. It’s in the quadrant right above Pleccia on the world map; specifically, we’re going to the tiny island southwest of the island of Arthetine. We’ve marked it for you in the screenshots below, just to avoid any chance of confusion. Once you dock on the island and are on solid ground once more, open the chests. There’s a whole bunch of them on the island, and one of them is going to have the token you’re after. If you’re lucky and the gods of RNG have accepted your sacrifice this morning. Rinse and repeat until you eventually obtain the token.

So, yeah, that’s how you get the Golden Wave Island Token in Lost Ark. I really wish there was some non-RNG way to do this, but there isn’t. Not as far as I know. After all, grinding, busywork and wasting time are this game’s main goals, it seems. Things get especially annoying if there’s a bunch of other players opening and looting chests at the same time as you. There is one way that you can make things a bit easier on yourself – change the channel in the top right if other people are messing with your progress. Find an instance that isn’t as populated, and start opening those chests. Hopefully, one of them will reward you with the Golden Wave Island token. If not, well, try again some other time. I can do nothing but wish you the best of luck.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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