Get Turtle Mount Lost Ark
Brimming with quests to solve, characters to meet, enemies to fight, things to collect, and places to visit, Lost Ark has no shortage of fun and engaging content. This is in large part due to possessing an impressive variety when it comes to practically everything about it. From character classes to different ships, there is almost never just one of them, you always have choices. Unsurprisingly, it’s the same with mounts. These critters will allow you to travel faster on the map and cover greater distances when not in combat. The Turtle is one of Lost Ark’s mounts, and we will show you how to get it.

How to Get Turtle Mount in Lost Ark
To be able to get the Turtle Mount, the first step is to travel to the very appropriately-named Turtle Island. It is located between Pleccia and Anikka. You need to be at least Lvl 50 for the necessary quest there to trigger, so level up some more if you are under-leveled for it. Once there, speak with the Turtle that is right next to the dock. It has a purple exclamation mark above its head. Speak to Tatan the Turtle. You will get “The Turtle and the Boy” quest from it. This is a big fetch quest. To complete it, you will need to visit many locations. But, since you will go there as part of the main story anyway, it shouldn’t be too difficult to fast travel there and finish everything up quickly.
Once you have done all of these tasks, you will be rewarded with – among other things – Jewel Coral and the Turtle Island Token. One final step. Go to Stern’s Business District. Speak with the Luxury Goods Vendor there. You can exchange the Jewel Coral for one of three differently-colored Turtle Mounts: Green Moss Turtle, Yellow Moss Turtle, and Azure Moss Turtle. And that’s how you get the Turtle Mount in Lost Ark.