Get 500-Year-Old Mera Wine Lost Ark
You need to get 500-year-old Mera wine in Lost Ark in order to complete your Rethramis Adventurer’s Tome. However, there are several problems you’ll have to overcome. First off, the only container of Mera wine to be found is hiding in a secret corridor in one of the dungeons. And even then, you can only find 499-year-old wine, which needs to be explained. So, strap in and let’s go.

How to Get 500-Year-Old Mera Wine in Lost Ark
To get the 500-year-old Mera wine in Lost Ark, the first step is to get to Ankumo Mountains. In the northeast of this region, you’ll find the entrance into the Aquilok’s Head dungeon. What you need to do is hop right into this dungeon; you can find the wine on Normal difficulty, so there’s no reason to make things harder on yourself. Next, go to the place we’ve marked on the map below and activate the switch to move the giant rock and reveal a jumping point.
Use the jumping point to drop down into the hidden area of the dungeon. Stick to the left wall and follow it in a semicircle, going to the left and down. Pretty quickly, you’ll come across a burning torch. There’s also a burlap sack on the ground to the right. Examine it, and inside, you’ll find the wine. By that, I don’t mean you’ll get the Lost Ark 500-year-old Mera wine, but one that is 499 years old. Here’s where I fulfill my promise to explain the 499-year-old Mera wine in Lost Ark.

If you mouse over the item, you’ll see that there’s a two-hour timer in the description, as you can see in the screengrab above. So, all you have to do is wait two hours in real time until the aging process is finished and you get the 500-year-old wine. Obviously, you don’t have to stand in place until this happens; you can do other stuff while you wait. Either way, you’ll have what you need in two hours, and you’ll be able to complete the Rethramis Adventurer’s Tome.