Lost Ark Facet Ability Stone
Ability Stones are an important part of Lost Ark’s endgame. Starting at Level 50, you will start getting these Ability Stones as part of your loot from Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. The Ability Stone will then need to be reforged in a special process that is very RNG-reliant. This process is known as Facet the Ability Stone. In this Lost Ark Facet Ability Stone guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about faceting in Lost Ark.

How to Facet in Lost Ark
Obviously, it will take a long time until you reach Level 50 (for tips on how to speed this up, you can refer to our How to Level Up Fast guide). But when you have done so and you have some Ability Stones on you, head to the nearest major city and look for a Stonecutter NPC there. You will recognize it thanks to its blue gem icon on your map. Talk to this NPC to begin the faceting process.
The Ability Stone reforging screen works in the following way. To the left, there are all the Ability Stones you can reforge (facet). Select one to begin the process. When you have done so, two blue abilities and one red ability below it will appear on the right side of the screen. The blue abilities are positive, and the red is a malus (negative one). The way this works is that you have a number of nodes and a percentage chance. You need to successfully fill out most of the blue nodes in order to get a positive result on either of the blue ones.
However, whenever you manage to fill out a blue node, your percentage chance to also fill out the next one will go down. On the other hand, this process works in reverse for the red one. This takes a lot of consideration and effort, since you need to pay close attention to the percentages of both blue and red ones. Whenever your chance of success on the blues gets too low, go for the red instead to bring your blue chance up. Although, even with this strategy, this is ultimately a very RNG-based process, and you will probably spend a lot of time and Ability Stones on it until you get something good.