How to Download Lost Ark Beta
A lot of highly impatient gamers want to know how to download the Lost Ark Beta, and who can blame them? Lost Ark has been so popular for so long without any legit way for Western fans to play it. So, of course those who should have the privilege of playing the beta want to get in as soon as possible. Well, that’s why we’ve written our How to Download Lost Ark Beta guide to hopefully help you out.

How to Download Beta of Lost Ark
To download the Lost Ark beta, you should just find it in your Steam library. Just search for Lost Ark in your downloads library; you’re looking for the item called “Lost Ark Closed Technical Beta.” Mind you, this will only appear when the servers go up in your region. Until then, you’re not gonna be able to find it in the list; you’ll only see the full version of Lost Ark. So, just be patient and keep refreshing your library until you spot the Lost Ark Closed Technical Beta. From there, just follow the usual steps to download a game on Steam, and you should be golden.
If the servers are up in your region, and you still don’t see the Closed Technical Beta in your library, then you might have a problem. To fix it, you can try to go into the Games tab in the top o,f the Steam launcher and select “Activate Product Code” and follow the instructions from there, if you know your access code. If you’re still struggling to figure out how to download the Lost Ark Beta, then you might have to contact the Amazon Games support, or Steam support, or whoever is actually responsible. I wish you the best of luck.
Lost Ark is a Korean MMORPG that has been out for a long while now, just not in most regions of the world. However, it has proved to be so popular that people from all around the world have been jumping through all sorts of hoops in order to play it. Well, at long last, you’ll be able to play if officially via Steam starting on March 31st, 2022, barring any potential delays.