Lost Ark Can't Create Character, Character Creation Limits
Lost Ark has officially launched today, but players are facing many problems. One of the biggest problem is a character creation limit, that doesn’t let new players create a character on old servers and play with their friends. Although Amazon is stating that this character creation limit is only on servers that have extensive queue times, players are reporting on reddit that the list is much longer.

Unfortunately this limitation will affect all new players. For all players that already have characters on one of these servers, they will be able to create additional characters for their Roster. This character creation limit will remain in place for the foreseeable future, and no one knows when it will be eventually removed. The following servers will have character creation limits put in place:
- Mari
- Valtan
- Azena
- Una
- Regulus
- Avesta
- Kadan
- Trixion
- Thirain
- Zinnervale
- Asta
If you have experienced limitation on any other server that is not on the list, please share your thoughts with us in the comments below. It is also important to know that EU Central server Beatrice and NA East Elzowin will immediately be opening for new players, while additional servers will also be rolling out ahead.
We are continuing to monitor server populations and will continue adding new servers as needed.
— Lost Ark (@playlostark) February 12, 2022
We just added Yorn server in LATAM.
If you have any additional problems with Lost Ark Not Launching error and Connection Timed Out, or Error 10010 Lost Ark Server Authentication Failed, take a look at our detailed guides.
eu all servers are busy cant even create character
Originally I wanted to play in una during head start but the queue was 8k. Since I don’t want to wait, I create my first character in kharmine instead since there’s no queue, I thought when f2p comes out, my friend can join me here. Got to 50 in 3 days of head start, when f2p came out, my friend said that he can’t create character on that server. Feelsbadman.
it will lose a lot if we can’t join our friends on they servers so they can help us in instances and us to bring more friends and build a community
This happened with New World, you’d think they would’ve learned from the first time…
Every server is tagged as “cannot create” for me.
It only took a few minutes for the server my friends are in to get full. Server is Sasha.
all but one server in NAWEST has the character limit, its bad enough theres no servers for my region, but I can’t even play with friends who got the game early and have already progressed passed the point they would want to restart.
First the launched was delayed, now I can’t create a character where I want. This is not something I expected from Amazon…
This is not fair at all, I can’t play with my friends
I agree. I am so disheartened by all of this. I cry
Who cares, there’s 50+ similar games that are like 7-years old. Take your friends and play them?