Lost Ark Bracelet Guide
A new accessory has been added to Lost Ark with the latest update to the game – bracelets. This accessory allows you to become even more powerful, so you will definitely want to make full use of it. However, before you can do that, there are several things you need to know about the Bracelet in Lost Ark – how to get it, how it works, and the rolling process behind it. We’re going to explain all of these and more in this Lost Ark Bracelet guide.

Lost Ark Bracelets Explained
Bracelts work like most accessories, with a couple of notable differences. It increases character stats and comes with random effects, though it doesn’t have Engravings like other accessories do. Bracelets can have up to five random stats and effects. These are divided into fixed and granted bonuses. You can’t change fixed bonuses, though you can fix granted ones.
How to Get Bracelets in Lost Ark
You will unlock the Relic rarity Bracelets once you reach 1490 Equipment Level. This will upgrade to Ancient rarity after you get to 1540 Equipment Level. You can earn Bracelets from the Brelshaza Legion Raid, the Caliligos Guardian Raid, and the new South Vern’s Void Chaos dungeon.
Lost Ark Bracelets Rolling Process
It’s important to note that, before you start the re-rolling process for Bracelets, you need to be aware that doing this will make the Bracelet impossible to sell or trade to your friends. You can re-roll up to 4 times, and re-rolling costs silver – with each subsequent re-roll being more expensive. Stats and Effects that have a blue icon are fixed and can’t be re-rolled. If you want, you can choose which Stats you want to lock and that way they won’t get re-rolled. The range of the stats you can re-roll increases according to the rarity of the Bracelet. For Relic-level rarity, this goes up to 100, while Ancient-level rarity goes all the way to 120.