Bloody Rod Lost Ark
Lost Ark is full of all sorts of things you can collect. Sometimes, these come in the form of epic loot, and sometimes there are collectibles that you can come upon. You can see these collectibles, as well as which ones you are missing, in your Adventurer’s Tome. On the continent of Retrhramis, one of the things that you will be able to collect during your adventures is called the Bloody Rod. A very striking name, to be sure. But it doesn’t tell us how and where to get. So, to help you with this particular collectible, our Bloody Rod Lost Ark guide is dedicated to explaining how you can acquire it.

Where to Find Bloody Rod in Lost Ark
When you hover over this collectible in your Adventurer’s Tome, you won’t get much out of this. An outline of a rod-shaped object and the game notifying you that this collectible still hasn’t been discovered. Like many other collectibles, including Hidden Stories, this isn’t a lot to go on. So where do you go to look for the Bloody Rod?
Well, the good news is that you can get this collectible from just about any enemy drop. The bad news is that it is Epic, which means that the odds of getting it are exceedingly low. So, ultimately, this completely depends on RNG. You can sometimes get really lucky and get it very soon, while other times you will need to grind and grind and grind for days until RNG smiles upon you. Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where there isn’t really anything you can do to increase your odds of getting it. You will receive the Bloody Rod when the game decides to give it to you. Once you have received this collectible, right-click on it in your inventory and it will then be unlocked in your Adventurer’s Tome. You will then be able to read its description and learn its backstory.