Lies of P Best Weapon Combinations
Every weapon in Lies of P consists of two parts – the handle and the blade. As you pick up weaons in the game, you will be able to make all sorts of combinations. In-game, this process is called weapon assembly. Of course, not every weapon that you make this way is going to be good, as you really need to make sure that the parts synergize well to make an effective weapon combo. To be able to make the best weapon assembly in Lies of P, you’ll first need to know which weapon combinations are the best ones in Lies of P. We’re here to help you with that.

Best Weapon Combinations in Lies of P
While many of these depend on your own playstyle preference, there are several best weapon combos that stand out in Lies of P. The first one is the Greatsword of Fate blade and the Wintry Rapier handle. As the Rapier is the best starting weapon, what you’re doing with this combo is that you are combining the speed of attack of the Rapier with the high damage output of the Greatsword.
The Electric Coil Stick blade and the Wintry Rapier handle is the second excellent weapon combination in LoP. Like the previous combo, this also takes advantage of the Rapier’s fast attack, while adding the Electric Coil’s stun into the mix. Next up, the Greatsword Of Fate blade with the Electric Coil Stick handle. The best part of this combo is the extra reach that the Electric Coil Stick handle adds. With it, you can excel in crow control attacks. And finally, the Puppet’s Saber blade, combined with the Wintry Rapier handle. If you want to have both speed and a solid damage output, then this is the way to go.