Red Bricks Locations
Red Bricks are collectibles in Lego Marvel’s Avengers that can be obtained only in Free Play mode. There are 15 Red Bricks in Lego Avengers, and each of them rewards you with a different cheat.
In order to get a Red Brick, you need to find a special item for The Collector. These items are available in each Level of the story, but in order to collect them, you’ll need to unlock additional characters with specific abilities. Once you collect the special item, you should give it to The Collector in Free Play mode, and, as a reward, you’ll get a Red Brick. Each Red Brick unlocks a new cheat / code that has to be purchased in The Collector’s Room and activated.

Description: Perform an instant finishing move
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: In order to get this Red Brick, you’ll need to unlock a special character such as Scarlet Witch (found in Level 13: Korea Prospects) or Doctor Strange (found in Manhattan). During Free Play Mode, look for a Hydra vehicle (with a red aura) near the bunker and destroy it.
Description: Hear different music in each level
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: Once you open the leviathan’s mouth, power up a generator and the monster will spit out a Red Brick. Use a character with electricity such as Thor.
Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 6!
Price: 50,000
Red Brick Location: During the last phase, while Loki is trying to escape, you will find the red brick in the middle of the road.
Description: Create a range of wacky impact effects when you hit enemies
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: Once inside the train, move to the left and open the locked door. You’ll need to unlock a special character such as Scarlet Witch (found in Level 13: Korea Prospects) or Doctor Strange (found in Manhattan) to open the door.
Description: Build LEGO objects at super speed
Price: 50,000
Red Brick Location: When Iron Man finally lands after flying backwards, look for a waterfall and go through it. Once inside the cave, you will find a red brick in a crystal. Use a character who can break glass and get the brick.
Description: Increase the power of Hyper Jumps
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: While chasing the Black Widow, she will slide under Hulk’s legs and enter a room with a huge door. Once inside, look to your right and use the twirl poles to reach the Red Brick.
Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 6.
Price: 150,000
Red Brick Location: In order to collect this brick, you have to unlock characters like Agent Coulson, who can destroy Asgardian bricks. There are 3 Asgardian containers and the last one is to the left of the balance beam.
Description: Triple the range at which studs are collected.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: For this brick, you’ll have to hack a terminal as Iron Man. After defeating the Chitauri, fly through the hole in the wall and go through the cracked walls.
Description: Everyone has squeaky voices.
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: While fighting the Chitauri, a small airship will appear. Once you destroy it, you’ll get the brick.
Description: Enemies will drop studs when defeated.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: While on the roof of Stark Tower, you will spot a gold door. Use the Iron Man character to cut through it and collect the brick.
Description: Create a range of wacky shots when you fire ranged attacks.
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: Look for the elevator in the control room. You’ll have to press the red button several times before an Asgardian block appears. Use Agent Coulson or Destroyer to destroy the wall.
Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 8.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: Destroy one of the red statues, and the bird will drop the brick because it can’t land anywhere.
Description: A guide to help find collectibles in Manhattan.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: This red brick can be found on top of the lamp post near the place where Black Widow starts attacking Ultron.
Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 10.
Price: 500,000
Red Brick Location: Look for a fountain in the first area in Sokovia. Use a strong character like Hulk and pick up the fountain.
Description: Become invulnerable to damage from enemies.
Price: 500,000
Red Brick Location: Once you defeat 15 Ultron Sentries as Black Widow, go to the second area and destroy the Asgard bricks. After building a jukebox, the red brick will appear.
This guide will show you how to get all Red Bricks in the 3DS and Vita versions of the game. If you’re looking for Red Bricks in other versions of the game, take a look at the Lego Avengers Red Bricks and Cheat Codes guide.

Level 1: Struck Off The List
Name: Instant FinisherDescription: Perform an instant finishing move
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: In order to get this Red Brick, you’ll need to unlock a special character such as Scarlet Witch (found in Level 13: Korea Prospects) or Doctor Strange (found in Manhattan). During Free Play Mode, look for a Hydra vehicle (with a red aura) near the bunker and destroy it.
Level 2: A Loki Entrance
Name: Disc JockeyDescription: Hear different music in each level
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: Once you open the leviathan’s mouth, power up a generator and the monster will spit out a Red Brick. Use a character with electricity such as Thor.
Level 3: Rail HYDRA
Name: Stud Multiplier x4Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 6!
Price: 50,000
Red Brick Location: During the last phase, while Loki is trying to escape, you will find the red brick in the middle of the road.
Level 4: Shakespeare in the Park
Name: Random ImpactsDescription: Create a range of wacky impact effects when you hit enemies
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: Once inside the train, move to the left and open the locked door. You’ll need to unlock a special character such as Scarlet Witch (found in Level 13: Korea Prospects) or Doctor Strange (found in Manhattan) to open the door.
Level 5: Helicarrier Havoc
Name: Fast BuildDescription: Build LEGO objects at super speed
Price: 50,000
Red Brick Location: When Iron Man finally lands after flying backwards, look for a waterfall and go through it. Once inside the cave, you will find a red brick in a crystal. Use a character who can break glass and get the brick.
Level 6: Avengers Assemble
Name: Mega JumpDescription: Increase the power of Hyper Jumps
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: While chasing the Black Widow, she will slide under Hulk’s legs and enter a room with a huge door. Once inside, look to your right and use the twirl poles to reach the Red Brick.
Level 7: Earth’s Mightiest
Name: Stud Multiplier x6Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 6.
Price: 150,000
Red Brick Location: In order to collect this brick, you have to unlock characters like Agent Coulson, who can destroy Asgardian bricks. There are 3 Asgardian containers and the last one is to the left of the balance beam.
Level 8: Lack of Insight
Name: Stud MagnetDescription: Triple the range at which studs are collected.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: For this brick, you’ll have to hack a terminal as Iron Man. After defeating the Chitauri, fly through the hole in the wall and go through the cracked walls.
Level 9: Ready, A.I.M., Fire
Name: Helium VoicesDescription: Everyone has squeaky voices.
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: While fighting the Chitauri, a small airship will appear. Once you destroy it, you’ll get the brick.
Level 10: Lost in the Aether
Name: Enemy LootDescription: Enemies will drop studs when defeated.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: While on the roof of Stark Tower, you will spot a gold door. Use the Iron Man character to cut through it and collect the brick.
Level 11: No Strings On Me
Name: Random ProjectilesDescription: Create a range of wacky shots when you fire ranged attacks.
Price: 100,000
Red Brick Location: Look for the elevator in the control room. You’ll have to press the red button several times before an Asgardian block appears. Use Agent Coulson or Destroyer to destroy the wall.
Level 12: Anger Management
Name: Stud Multiplier x8Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 8.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: Destroy one of the red statues, and the bird will drop the brick because it can’t land anywhere.
Level 13: Korea Prospects
Name: Secret MapDescription: A guide to help find collectibles in Manhattan.
Price: 250,000
Red Brick Location: This red brick can be found on top of the lamp post near the place where Black Widow starts attacking Ultron.
Level 14: Rise of Ultron
Name: Stud Multiplier x10Description: Multiply the value of collected studs by 10.
Price: 500,000
Red Brick Location: Look for a fountain in the first area in Sokovia. Use a strong character like Hulk and pick up the fountain.
Level 15: Ultron Undone
Name: InvincibilityDescription: Become invulnerable to damage from enemies.
Price: 500,000
Red Brick Location: Once you defeat 15 Ultron Sentries as Black Widow, go to the second area and destroy the Asgard bricks. After building a jukebox, the red brick will appear.
Could anyone tell me where the asgardian bricks are in the fall of sokovia
Anyone know how to get the challenge where quicksilver has to use dash technique in level attack on sokovia ?
You have to kill 12 i can only get 8, its the hold O to do it?
On the Vita you click the map during free roam then the world icon in the upper right corner
Thanks guys
Could anyone tell me where level select is? lost Thanks x
I am not sure about level select on the Vita, but on PC and consoles you Go to Space and from there you can fly to whichever level you unlocked and want to do again (in either story mode or free play mode)
I don’t know where this list came from but I do not trust it’s accuracy. Not only does the description of how to acquire the red bricks not include anything about dealing with the collector but in my experience it doesn’t work like this. I have successfully acquired the Stud Magnet Red Brick, I did this by playing the chitauri invasion level with a character with Telekinesis such as Scarlett witch or Captain Universe. In the section of the level where you have to rescue five civilians if you fly up where you would send black widow up to the acrobat poles in the mission you will find the collector and a black brick truck. The collector asks for a wig that you need a hero with TK to acquire, go all the way to the right and us TK to move the debris from the window then go grab the wig. Returning it to the collector got me the Stud Finder Red Brick for 500,000 studs. But that’s not listed here so I wouldn’t call this list accurate.
Hi Charls, this Red brick location guide is for the 3DS and Vita versions of the game. I’m working on the Red bricks & cheat codes guide for consoles here –