Robin – Hazard Suite can be use to collect small yellow, red and green Lego bricks
Batman – Sensor Suit can be used to reveal hidden lego objects, through green lego wall.
Attack the black bat-symbol on the ground to get helpful advices from Bat-Mite.
The panel on the Robin’s Hazard Suit tells you how many LEGO bricks he has collected
While chasing Killer Croc in the Sewer use the lever to drain the nearby water.
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Destroy all the boxes then build an object from hopping Lego bricks to unlock the first Suite Token – Robin Hazard Suite. While wearing this suite Robin can collect small yellow, red and green Lego bricks. Once Robin collect 25 bricks, interact with machine to build a new one. Approach it as a Batman, keep tapping the Interact button (B / circle) and the machine will destroy the barricade.
Pull the lever to drain the nearby water
Suite Token – Robin Hazard Suite
This machine will destroy the barricade
After destroying the barricade collect a new Suit Token for Batman Sensor Suit that can be used to reveal hidden Lego objects. In your new suite tap the Interact button to detect an yellow pin and pull it from the wall.
Change to sensor suite and tap circle / B button
Pull the pin from the wall
Once the green brick wall appears, use sensor to rearrange pipes
When you reach the room with toxic slime, switch your character to Robin and walk through the slim.
Let Robin go through the toxic slim
Shoot at each corner of the barricade
Smash everything then build a construction from Lego bricks to pull down the ladder
Jump on the left red button first, then on the right one to shut off the flame jet on the platform bellow
After shutting off the flame jet, Batman will join you. Go down the ladders, switch to Batman – Sensor Suite to detect the pin on the structure.
Change to sensor suite and detect the pin on the structure beneath the train
Pull the pin from the structure
Let Robin pull the lever
Jump onto the hatches
How to defeat Killer Croc
Once you reach the other side smash everything, then use a Lego bricks to build a pin on the tunnel metal grill. Destroy the grill and after that Killer Croc appears. Run after him and at the checkpoint station save the game. After smashing everything around you, build a machine and fill it with 25 Lego bricks. Since you need bricks use Batman Sensor Suit to detect buttons on both side of the room. Once you jump onto the button, Killer Croc will emerge from the water. When the battle begins you realize that you can’t defeat Killer Croc. When Robin collects 25 bricks a cannon will appear. Jump onto the cannon’s seat and defeat the Croc.
Save the game
Build the machine
Detect the button and release Killer Croc
Once you collect 25 bricks a cannon will appear. Use it to fire a net at Killer Croc
why Killer Croc in the sewers?
He lives in the sewers.