Kingdom Hearts 3 Preorder Bonus DLC - How to Redeem Keyblades
Preorder bonus DLC Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3 are extra weapons that you can get if you’ve preordered the game. Oh, and one Kingdom Hearts 3 Keyblade that’s a reward for playing KH Union Cross. Depending on where you preordered the game from (Amazon, the PS Store, or the Xbox Store), you’ll get a different KH3 Keyblade as a preorder bonus. So, here’s our Kingdom Hearts 3 Preorder Bonus DLC – How to Redeem Keyblades to help you obtain your preorder weapons, depending on where you bought the game.

How to Unlock Preorder Bonus DLC Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3?
To redeem your DLC Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3 that you might have gotten as a preorder bonus, there are different things you should do. That depends entirely on which Keyblade were talking about. For example, both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of KH3 have a different Keyblade; Midnight Blue on the PS4 and Phantom Green on Xbox One. These will unlock immediately as you enter the main menu. You’ll get you respective preorder DLC bonus Keyblade in your inventory automatically when you start playing.
Dawn Til Dusk & Starlight Keyblade Preoreder DLC – How to Redeem Code?
To redeem the Dawn til Dusk Keyblade (Amazon Exclusive) and the Starlight Keyblade (reward for playing Kingdom Hearts Union Cross), you’ll have to input the DLC code that you got for the Keyblade. If you’re on PlayStation 4, go to the PSN store from the Home menu. Scroll down the sidebar until you find Redeem Codes and select it. Enter your code, confirm it, and you’re good to go. On Xbox One, hit the guide button and go to the Marketplace. From there, select Redeem Code. Type your code in, confirm it, and voila.
In case you need help with anything else in Kingdom Hearts 3, we have a bunch of other guides to help you out. For example, we have Moogle Shop Prize Postcards – How to Get & Use and All Keyblades – How Many Are There & How To Get. Or, if you’re having trouble with finding all the Lucky Emblems, or Mickey Heads, we got that to; San Fransokyo Lucky Emblem Locations and Monstropolis Lucky Emblem Locations, among others.
Somehow I have 2 Midnight Blue keyblades in my inventory, so I cannot unequip or swap out Midnight Blue for a different keyblade. Anyone else have this issue?
can still not get either purchased DLC to work
I pre-ordered the game on Square Enix Site does anyone know how to get it from there?
I preordered from bestbuy and did not receive a code, am I supposed to get one.
Nope. That’s only for Amazon.
We’ve been wondering about this too, We have the PS4 physical copies and I have the Deluxe Edition
What if I got the code where can I input it so I can get my dlc keyblade?? I have the xbox one
I pre ordered KH3 Deluxe Edition from gamestop and I had just beat it before I realized I didn’t have the ps4 preorder keyblade.
Should I go to gamestop or wait for a update to see if they fix this glitch?
I pre-ordered the Xbox one deluxe physical as well from GameStop. Beat the game and realized I never got it. Can view it in the Xbox store as part of a bundle which requires you to “redeem a code”. Checked my GameStop receipt for maybe a code. Nothing. I realize it’s just a recolor, but still kinda sucks though.
Is the code for the Amazon preorder keyblade only good for one account on that PS4, or can all accounts on that PS4 use it? I don’t want to have to fight my wife for it.
what if we have the physical game on ps4 but the store only allows 12 digit code and not an 18 digit code. Then what do we do?
What do I do with an 18 digit code for my keyblade on PS4? The redeem code option only has room for a 12 digit code. Please help.
I preoredered at gamestop for the xbox one and didn’t get a code i just got a product registration code what do i do?
Try starting the game. If preorders from GameStop count, you’ll get it when you enter the game’s main menu.
The same thing happened to me but no matter how many times I pull up the menu, the keyblade doesn’t appear.
What if you purchased the physical copy of KIngdom Hearts 3
on Amazon?
Call or chat with an amazon rep and tell them you didn’t receive the code. They should email it to you with a day or two. Same thing happened to me