Kingdom Hearts 3 Constellation Locations - Stargazer Trophy
Constellations are special collectibles in Kingdom Hearts 3. They appear in the Space Between Worlds, and in order to collect them, you’ll have to take their photos while flying around in the Gummi Ship. There’s nine of them, and once you’ve taken pictures of every one, you’ll unlock the Stargazer achievement. Each one you photograph will also unlock a new blueprint for the ship editor, allowing you to customize your ride in new ways. If you’re having trouble finding them, our Kingdom Hearts 3 constellation locations guide should help.

Where to find all constellations in KH3?
The constellations are like clusters of blue glowing orbs, and spotting them shouldn’t be too hard. What can be an issue is finding the right angle. You need to shoot them from the right angle, or they won’t form the picture they’re supposed to form. Also, make sure you zoom out enough – when lines appear connecting the stars, you’ll know you’ve succeeded.
The Moogle constellation is in the Starlight Way galaxy. Head towards the Toy Box and look for it up and to the right. You’ll find the Bomb in the same galaxy, as you head towards Olympus. The Cactuar is also there, on the way from Olympus to the Kingdom of Corona, beyond some weird Stargate-type of thing.
Then we’re onto the Misty Stream galaxy, which is where you’ll find the Imp constellation, near a cluster of ice rocks, on your way towards Monstropolis. The Tonberry is also there – you’ll spot it as soon as you go to the other side of the floating icebergs. Finally, there’s the Endymion, which is near the entrance to the Caribbean.
The first one you should look for in the Eclipse galaxy is the Ultros constellation. It’s right above the spot where you spawn when you decide to go to the Keyblade Graveyard. Bismarck is also there, near the giant space station. The last is the Omega, which is below the cluster of blue rocks by the space station.