From The Ashes Best Workers - Kingdom Come Deliverance
Workers are NPCs that will allow you to staff and upgrade your buildings in From the Ashes, the new DLC for Kingdom Come Deliverance. Depending on their skills, the buildings you assing them to will improve, bringing you more profit and better benefits. If you want to upgrade your village all the way, you’ll want to know where to find best workers in From The Ashes, which is exactly what this guide will show you.

Where to find best workers?
You can recruit Kunesh in Rattay, but it seems he’s only available if you haven’t fought him in that one early main quest. While you’re there, you can recruit one of the water carriers as a trader. You can also convince Mark from Neuhof stables to join you.
When it comes to artisans, you’ll need a good weaponsmith and armorsmith. The guy in Sassau, the one that gives you the Queen of Sheba sword quest, can be persuaded to join your ranks. As for the armorsmith, your best bet is probably Zach, the monastery blacksmith. You’ll need to take his side in the fued with Ota if you want his help, though, so you might have already locked yourself out of this choice.
Some of these hirelings will increase the amount of groschen their building generates on a daily basis. Others will unlock new options – you can’t use the trading post without a trader present, obviously. Either way, they’re useful, and you’ll want to hire as many as you can. There are many more NPCs you can hire – we’ve heard of butchers, bakers and such – but we haven’t had any luck finding them. We’ll update this page as we discover more workers, and you’re free to share your own choices in the comments.
You can hire Vashek as a groom from Uzhitz stables. You do have to prove you work for Sir Divish by describing his coat of arms. Two water lilies on a red field.
Raspberry from the woodcutter camp near the tavern at Andrew and fritz. He will become your woodcutter too
You cant hire mirka if you killed timmy
You can also hire Mathew and Fritz (Henry’s friends) at the Glade Inn if you have a tavern, but only after you finish their quest. HOWEVER, be very aware that they make you lose -30 groschen per day. Still, you get an archivement for hiring them.
You can ask Mirka from Merhojed wind mill to be alemaid in your tavern
Mark from merhojed can be a groomsman.
Cornelius (you can find him in ratty) can be your trader
I think Kornelius is bugged ive hired him few day ago but i cant buy anything from him
You can hire Adam from the tavern in rattay to run the tavern in your village
Adam from the rattay inn can be your innkeeper.