Kingdom Come Deliverance Bird in the Hand Quest Still Bugged
The Bird in the Hand quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance is severely broken. There are a few moments in the quest that render it impossible to complete. There are no official fixes for this, but some have found potential solutions, so let’s check out some Bird in the Hand bug workarounds for Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Players are still having problems with the The Bird in the Hand quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance. There are two major problems with this quest, even after the 1.2.5 patch (which successfully managed to break the Ginger in a Pickle quest, though). The first major issue is one of the birdcages just flat-out disappears when set down on the ground. The second, and even more frustrating, is at the very end. You talk to the questgiver to turn the quest in, you get your reward, and the game gets stuck in the conversation screen. There’s no real solution for this problem, but some workarounds have been suggested. They might not work for you, but it’s worth a shot.
How to Avoid Bird in the Hand Quest Glitches in Kingdom Come Deliverance?
Like we’ve said, the problem here is that people find all the nightingales (in case you need help with finding them, check out our Bird in The Hand – Nightingale Locations guide), but as they drop the third cage, it just vanishes. Some players in the Bird in the Hand quest thread on the Kingdom Come Deliverance forum have been trying how to solve the problem, and they’ve come up with a potential solution. Try and lay all of the traps before picking up any of them. Then, when all three have been placed, pick them up one by one. Alternatively, try going for cage B last.
As for the conversation with the huntsman freezing, there’s one possible cause for the bug. Well, there’s many possible causes, and this is one of them. It might be that you’ve saved and/or loaded the game after catching all three nightingales. So, once you catch all the birds, go immediately to huntsman Berthold and turn the quest in. There’s no guarantee that this will work, but, again, it’s worth a try.
Tried completing the 3 nightingales quest in 2 ways, 1 where take the birds immediately after capturing them and waiting from 1 – 10 days and both freeze in the dialogue.