One Bad Apple - Recover Apple of Discord in Immortals Fenyx Rising
Immortals Fenyx Rising Recover Apple of Discord is a step in the One Bad Apple quest, and it’s pretty clear what you have to do. However, in order to get the Apple of Discord in Fenyx Rising, you have to solve a puzzle involving, appropriately enough, giant apples. It’s not too difficult of a challenge, but some of you might have trouble with it. This can especially be true at the end, with the red barrier. With all that said, here’s our One Bad Apple – Recover Apple of Discord in Immortals Fenyx Rising guide to help you out.

How to Recover Apple of Discord in Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple Quest?
To recover the Apple of Discord in the One Bad Apple Immortals Fenyx Rising quest, the first step is to put two smaller apples on the pedestals in order to unlock the giant apple in front of said pedestals. The first apple is extremely simple – climb up the stairs to the statue of Aphrodite, and pick up the apple from the pink shell on the left. Take it back and place it on one of the pedestal. Then, head to the west and jump over to the area with a bunch of apples. Hold right trigger and throw it across the chasm. Fly back, and put the final apple on the third pedestal.
That’s going to unlock the big apple. You’re close to recovering the Immortals Fenyx Rising Apple of Discord and completing the One Bad Apple quest. So, grab it and pull it to the north, then let it roll down the hill. When it reaches the first stop, at the foot of the statue of Athens, let it rest there. Meanwhile you go down the next ramp and look above the red barrier. You’ll see two switches at the top of the pillars. Shoot both switches with your bow and arrow, then go back to the apple and let it roll the rest of the way. This will trigger a brief cutscene, after which you’ll have recovered the Apple of Discord in Fenyx Rising.