Immortals Fenyx Rising Mount Locations - All Tameable Animals - Fenyx The Horseman
Mounts are animals you can ride in Immortals Fenyx Rising. They let you traverse the island more quickly, but also conserve stamina for climbing and fighting. There are several tiers of them, and about a dozen species you can tame into service around the map. When you’ve tamed all of them, you’ll unlock the Fenyx The Horseman achievement. If you’re wondering where to look for them, this guide will show you Immortals Fenyx Rising mount locations.

Preorder bonus mount
If you’ve bought the season pass, you’ll get the chance to tame a rainbow pegasus called Spring. After you leave Clashing Rocks, you’ll get a quest called When The Road Gets Rocky. Follow that quest chain – through Luck Be A Laurel and The Future Is In Music – and you’ll end up with a brand new mount.

Valley of Eternal Spring mount locations
You’ll get the Anemone while on your way to the Hall of The Gods for the first time. This is where the game teaches you how mounts and taming work, so it’s pretty hard to miss.
If you’re more of a traditionalist and would like to avoid antlers gouging your eyes out when you brake, you can look for a regular horse. Sepia is one such horse, and you can find it in a valley a bit north from the Hall of The Gods.
If you’re in the market for something more exotic, why not go with Indika? It’s an epic mount, a pearlescent blue unicorn with a boatload of stamina, and you can find it near Gaia’s Soul, the fast travel point in the north of the area. Taming it will unlock the Oceancookie trophy, too.
Not a fan of the blue tint? Well then, you’ll be happy to know there’s also a pink unicorn, called Tyrian. You can find it near the southernmost point of the Valley, southeast of Eros’ Haven.
War’s Den mount locations
If you’re in Ares’ domain, there are several mounts you can go after. One is a horse called Bolt. Can’t have enough horses now, can you? Look for it in the plains in the west of the area, near the fast travel point.
You can also get a zebra in this zone. It’s called Muse, and you can tame it if you head to the remains of the fortress direclty south from Ares’ statue – the big one that lets you scout the area.
There’s another horse here, called Krater. It has a black coat with a black mane, and you can find it near the big chariot statue in the east of the area.
Grove of Kleos mount locations
The Everlast is a deer, much like the Anemone, but with more stamina and fancy white fur. You can find it in the southwest of the Grove of Kleos map, around a small pond by the border with the Valley of Eternal Spring.
Then there’s the Larkspur, another deer. This one’s pretty basic – a normal deer with normal fur. You can find it by the pond north of the statue, east from the atrium.
If you’re looking for something more exotic, there’s Sheena. It’s a golden horse. Literally. A horse made of gold. They may claim it’s the light hitting the coat at a certain angle, but I know what I’ve seen. It’s gold. You’ll find it northeast of the statue, by the coast.
Forgelands mounts
The first mount we found in the Forgelands is the Quicksilver, a black steed. It can be tamed if you head to the middle of the area, a bit norht from the statue. It has little stamina, but looks dashing.
King’s Peak mounts – where to find
There’s another kind of deer you can find in the snowy mountains of King’s Peak. It has jet black fur, and it’s called Hellebore. You’ll find a herd of them in the mountain pass a bit north from the statue.
Clashing rocks mounts
One of the best mounts can be found by going back to the starting area. It’s a pegasus, called Laurion. It has three stamina, and looks quite striking. You can find it on the small island in the southeastern corner of the map, between the two mesas. Be careful, it’s pretty skittish.
We’ll keep playing, and we’ll update the guide as we find more mounts, so stay tuned.