Immortals Fenyx Rising King's Peak Lyre Myth Challenge Solutions
There are three small lyres in King’s Peak, the snowy area in Immortals Fenyx Rising. When you find them, you’ll be able to play them. Remember the melody each one plays, and you can reproduce it at the big lyre. When you to, you’ll receive a handful of Charon’s coins, which can be used to buy skills. If you don’t want to prance around looking for them, this guide will show you all Immortals Fenyx Rising King’s Peak lyre myth challenge solutions.

King’s Peak lyre puzzle combinations
There are no puzzles tied to reaching the lyres in this area. All you have to do is find them, which may sound simple, but the terrain is deceptive here – it’s easy to overlook things. Thankfully, there’s a satyr statue next to each lyre, which helps a bit. The first one is in the southwest of the area. Look for a deep ravine with a waterfall. There’s a frozen cave near the bottom of the waterfall, and the first lyre is inside. The combination is 1,4,2,3.
The second one can be found under the stone bridge in the Punishment of Atlas. You’ll have to fight a group of enemies if you want to play it in peace. The combination for it is 2,2,4,2,3.
The last one is in the northeastern part of the map, southeast from the potion making cauldron in the corner. When you play it, the sequence will be 3,4,4,2,3.
Now that you have all three, all you have to do is go back to the big lyre in the south of the island, by the bird statue, and repeat what you heard. Each one will open a portal to Charon, who will then reward you with some coins (not entirely willingly, but still, a reward is a reward).