Immortals Fenyx Rising Grove of Kleos Fresco Puzzle Solutions
There are several fresco myth challenges in the Grove of Kleos area in Immortals Fenyx Rising. In order to complete them, you have to slide blocks with parts of an image around until they’re all in the correct positions. You have limited space to do this, so it’s not as easy as it sounds. If you’re having trouble with them, our Immortals Fenyx Rising Grove of Kleos fresco puzzle solutions guide will help you.

Athena’s Sanctuary fresco challenge
You’ll find this fresco puzzle east of Athena’s Sanctuary. The image depicts Athena and a spider woman, and there’s a bunch of lasers surrounding it. You’ll need to block them with metal cubes if you want to avoid taking damage. There are two of those nearby – one is under the puzzle, accessible by breaking a weak wall, another up the stairs by the cliff. Here’s how to solve the puzzle:
- Move the blocks with Athena’s torso and legs to the bottom row.
- Push the spider lady’s top all the way to the right.
- Move Athena’s torso to the top row.
- Move Athena’s legs and the spider woman’s bottom to the left.
Perseus and Medusa fresco puzzle
You’ll find this fresco on the small island in the northwest of the area. There are two rows of columns leading up to it. You’ll need to light the braziers on top of the left side to match the ones on the right – the first, second and fourth. Here’s how to solve the fresco:
- Push Perseus’ head to the top row.
- Push Perseus’ legs all the way to the left.
- Move Medusa’s tail to the bottom row.
- Push both bottom row blocks to the right.
- Move Perseus’ head to the bottom row.
- Push Medusa’s head all the way to the right.
- Move Perseus’ head back to the top row.
- Move both bottom tiles to the left.
Moria Tree Sanctuary fresco puzzle – Athena and the tree
This one’s right under the fast travel point at Moria Tree Sanctary. You’ll have to drop down past a bunch of lasers, like an antique Tom Cruise. In order to unlock the puzzle, you’ll have to light three braziers – one is in front of the puzzle, the other two are above, in lazer land. Here’s how to solve the fresco:
- Push the back of Athena’s head left.
- Push the tree bough left.
- Move the tree bough to the top row.
- Push the tree trunk all the way to the right.
- Move the tree bough to the bottom row.
- Push the entire upper row right.
- Move Athena’s legs to the bottom row.
- Push the back of Athena’s head left.
- Move the tree bough to the top row.
- Push the tree trunk left.
Guardian Hill atrium fresco puzzle
You’ll find this one in the big atrium south of Guardian Hill. You’ll have to find a terrifying number of metal boxes around the place and put them on pressure plates in front of the stone chairs. Each chair has a shield on the back – put the boxes in front of the ones with an owl on the shield. Once you’ve unlocked the fresco, here’s how to solve it:
- Move Athena’s torso to the top row.
- Move the guy holding a snake to the bottom row.
- Push the entire upper row to the right.
- Move Athena’s legs to the bottom row.
- Push Athena’s torso to the left.
- Move the guy with the snake to the top row.
- Push the bunch of legs left.