Horizon Zero Dawn Weapons List - Bows, Slings, Lances & More
You’ll spend much of your time in Horizon Zero Dawn fighting. You’ll encounter both human and machine enemies, and you’ll have a plethora of weapons at your disposal. They’re divided into several categories, which define how to best use them. This will give you a lot tactical options when engaging in combat. Planning is half the battle, though, so we’re going to show you a list of weapons in Horizon Zero Dawn, in order to help you choose a perfect loadout.

Weapons in HZD
The quality and efficiency of the weapons depend on their rarity and the modifications you install. However, all weapons within a certain category have the same basic properties. When building your loadout, you’ll have to choose between the following:
- Lance – A polearm used in close combat. Can perform stealth takedowns if you have the proper skill.
- War Bow – Does low damage, but causes target to become vulnerable to certain attacks.
- Sharpshot Bow – Accurate but slow. Best used to snipe enemies from afar.
- Hunter’s Bow – A fast bow with low damage. Great for spamming arrows while on a mount and medium range combat in general.
- Sling – Slow firing weapon that uses elemental bombs. Has a large area of effect, and it’s great for softening up groups of enemies.
- Ropecaster – A tool used to tie down machine enemies. Fire a rope into the beast, then into the ground, and you’ll have them trapped before you know it.
- Tripcaster – A weapon used to set tripwire traps. Setting them alongside enemy patrol routes will let you plan out a surprise attack.
- Rattler – Horizon’s version of a shotgun. Fires several bolts, but has a large spread. It’s best used at short ranges, when you’re not in a position to aim.
As you can see, each weapon type has its use, but you’ll probably quickly find your groove and limit yourself to only a few. After that, it’s all about getting the most out of them with upgrades and trade-ins.