Horizon Zero Dawn sells 2.6 million plus Platinum Trophy theme
PS4 owners favorite new face in gaming is definitely Aloy. The heroine of Horizon Zero Dawn can breathe a sigh of relief. The game is officially a hit, with 2.6 million copies sold in two weeks after its launch. This is the best selling new IP on PlayStation 4 and it’s a first for Guerrilla Games as well, their biggest debut.

The game was well received among critics (you can read our spoiler-free review here) and went on to become popular among the crowds as well. Here is what the head honchos of Sony and Guerrilla had to say about this./p>
Shawn Layden, Chairman of SIE Worldwide Studios“We knew Horizon: Zero Dawn was going to be something special, so to see the incredible critical reaction to a brand new game world translate into this level of sales is really gratifying. Guerrilla has created a game that is nothing short of exceptional, and the reaction we have seen from fans – from hours and hours of gameplay streaming to endless photo sharing – shows just how impactful it has been.”
Hermen Hulst, Guerrilla Games Managing Director“We’re thrilled that Horizon Zero Dawn has been embraced by critics and players alike. Developing the game was a labor of love, so it’s extremely satisfying to see that it elicits the same passion and enthusiasm from the gaming public that we felt during its development. This is only the beginning of Aloy’s story and our exploration of the world of Horizon: Zero Dawn, with the team already hard at work on an expansion to the story.”
In other news, if you manage to do a platinum run of Horizon Zero Dawn, you will be rewarded, among other things, with a special theme. The only way to get the theme is to receive an email from Sony, so make sure you enable notification emails from Sony. And they can be buggy, so arm yourselves with patience.
While you wait, feel free to check our extensive guides list for the game you just platinumized!