All Treasures in Adventurous Moles Honkai Star Rail
Having trouble finding all the treasures in Honkai Star Rail Adventurous Moles? Don’t worry, they are definitely tricky to figure out. After all, you first have to find the hidden clue, which is hard enough. Then, you have to solve the “riddle” the piece of paper gives you. Well, we’re here to help. Let’s find out where these treasures are and how to earn them.

Where to Find All Honkai Star Rail Adventurous Moles Treasures
The first of three treasures in Honkai Star Rail in Adventurous Moles we will take you to is in Backwater Pass. Teleport to the area and explore the nearby outdoor cafe and the surrounding area. There is going to be a piece of paper on a bench, which you should pick up. Afterwards, head to the seating area of the cafe. You’ll see that one chair is upside down. Turn it the right side up to reveal the treasure. If you can’t figure out where to go, check out the screenshots below.
Next up, we’re heading to Rivet Town. From the western teleport, head behind you through the big double doors and pick up the page from the desk on the right. It’s just behind the door. Check the screenshots for visual instructions. The second of the Adventurous Moles hidden treasures in Honkai Star Rail is revealed through a block puzzle in the same room. Take the crate on the middle shelf and move it to the unit near the stairs. Then, pick up the crate from the nearby top shelf and put it where the first used to be.
The third and final treasure is in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone. From the teleport shown below, look to the wall on your right to spot the paper. Pick it up. Just beyond the doorway in front of you and on the right, you’ll spot an empty gun rack. You need to find three guns scattered around the area and place them where they belong. It’s not that hard. When all the guns are in the rack, you’ll get your reward.