Hogwarts Legacy Unable to Connect to WB Games Online Services Fix
In our Hogwarts Legacy Unable to Connect to WB Games Online Services Fix guide, we are going to show you how to work around the issue where you can’t connect with WB Games Online. There are several potential causes for this issue. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a checklist of things to inspect and how to ultimately fix the problem.

How to Fix Unable to Connect to WB Games Online Services in Hogwarts Legacy
There are several things you can do to fix the Hogwarts Legacy Unable to Connect to WB Games Online Services “bug.” Before we dive into that, though, we have to mention that you don’t have to sign in at the beginning. You can skip that step while you’re setting the game up for the first time, and then sign in later from the Settings menu. And if you have in-game items that you can only pick up by connecting to WB Games, don’t worry. It’s safe to ignore that step of the setup; you won’t lose your goodies. They will be waiting for you to link accounts at whichever point is more convenient for you.
Anyways, with all of that said, how do you actually fix the Unable to Connect to WB Games Online Services bug in Hogwarts Legacy? Well, the first step is to check whether your internet connection is working properly. If it is, check the official WB Games Twitter account to see whether everything is okay on their end. Assuming all is well and running smoothly, the next step is to restart the game and try signing in again. This may or many not work depending on the state of the servers. Considering that the game just launched and everything is trying to connect to WB Games Online Services at the same time, the infrastructure might get overwhelmed. In that case, you might have to keep trying to log in until you find an in.