Hogwarts Legacy Missable Achievements
There are a handful of missable achievements in Hogwarts Legacy, or trophies, depending on your platform. In this guide, we will give you a list of them and explain what you need to do for them to unlock. It’s going to be annoying, I won’t lie to you. Let’s jump right in!

Missable Achievements & Trophies in Hogwarts Legacy
There are four potentially missable achievements or trophies in Hogwarts Legacy. This is because they are tied to the house your character is in. As you make your way through the main quests, you’ll eventually find yourself in a room called the Map Chamber. That part you can’t miss, since, again, it’s a part of the main story. You get an achievement for finding the Map Chamber, and therein lies the problem. There are four different trophies for finding the room, one for each house. Here are their names and which house you need to be to unlock them.
- The Toast of the Town – Find the Map Chamber as a Slytherin
- The Auror’s Apprentice – Find the Map Chamber as a Hufflepuff
- The Gryffindor in the Graveyard – Find the Map Chamber as a Gryffindor
- The Wise Owl – Find the Map Chamber as a Ravenclaw
So, those are the missable achievements / trophies in Hogwarts Legacy. With that out of the way, what is the best way to unlock them? Well, start a new game and get sorted into a different house. Then, rush through the main quests only, skipping any cutscenes and dialogue on the way. Do not save after the sorting ceremony; if you need to reload, the autosave will have to do. If you move really fast, it will take you somewhere around two or two and a half hours to get to the Map Chamber. Once the achievement pops, repeat the process with the other houses.