Hogwarts Legacy Leech Juice Location
Since you are playing as a young Witch or Wizard in Hogwarts Legacy, you’re going to need to do a lot of ingredient-hunting in the game. This is usually done for the purposes of gathering the materials necessary to make the many different potions in HL. For example, you will need Leech Juice to craft two potions. These are the Maxima Potion and the Thunderbrew Potion. If you want to make these potions, you’ll need to find some Leech Juice. This is easier said than done, so we are going to show you the location where you can get Leech Juice in Hogwarts Legacy.

Where to Find Leech Juice in Hogwarts Legacy
First, let’s see what the description for this ingredient says about it: “Leech Juice is used in both the Maxima Potion and Thunderbrew. This can be found near waterfronts.” This gives us a big hint as to where we should look for it. Namely, near bodies of water. So this is exactly where you will need to go. We have marked one such location where we have managed to find several Leech Juice in the screenshot gallery below.
They look like, well, giant stripped leeches, and you can find them on beaches or in the shallow end of the water there. All that’s left is to pick them up. Don’t worry, they may seem gross, but they can’t hurt your character. After that, you need to acquire the Maxima Potion and Thunderbrew recipes if you want to make these potions. To do that, head to the J. Pippin’s Potions shop in Hogsmeade, where you will be able to purchase these recipes. Once you have them, you will then be able to craft the Maxima Potion (x1 Leech Juice and x1 Spider Fang) and the Thunderbrew Potion (x1 Leech Juice, x1 Shrivelfig Fruit, and x1 Stench of the Dead).