Hogwarts Legacy Knotgrass Sprig for Invisibility Potion
You need at least one Knotgrass Sprig for the Hogwarts Legacy Invisibility Potion, and you might not know how to get some. Well, don’t worry, that’s exactly what this guide is for. We’ll show you how to make a constant, reliable source of Knotgrass Sprigs, and where to find the Knotgrass Sprig location. It’s all very simple once you know what to do.

How to Get Knotgrass Sprig for Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy
The best way to get Knotgrass Sprig for the Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy is to purchase some seeds from The Magic Neep. This shop is in the west of Hogsmeade; you’ll find the vendor if you follow the path leading out of the village across the western bridge. If you don’t know where The Magic Neep is off the top of your head, just check the map below, and you’ll be fine. Once you get there, talk to Timothy Teasdale, the guy who runs the shop. A bag of Knotgrass seeds costs three hundred and fifty coins. Not exactly cheap, but once you plant them, they’ll keep producing sprigs over time. The same is true of Dittany Leaves and other plants.

The next step to get Knotgrass Sprig for the Hogwarts Legacy Invisibility Potion is to place it into a pot of any size. You can do so in the Room of Requirement or in the Herbology classroom. Of course, you first need to go to Herbology class before you can plant anything. Once you’ve planted the Knotgrass, it will take about ten minutes to produce a sprig. Now all that’s left is to gather the other two ingredients, Troll Bogeys and Leaping Toadstool Caps. You’ll need one of each to brew the Invisibility Potion.