Hogwarts Legacy Kitchen Location
If you’re trying to find the kitchen location in Hogwarts Legacy and just can’t seem to figure it out, we’re here to help. We are going to show you where the door to the secret kitchen is and how to enter it in this guide. While we’re at it, we’ll also discuss what you need to do before you can even attempt to open it.

Where to Find Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy
To find the location of the kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to go all the way down the Great Staircase. You can begin from the Grand Staircase Floo Flame. Turn around, and you’ll notice that the stairs continue to your left. So, walk until you reach the bottom. Once there, you’ll see a hallway in front of you with paintings on either side and a large barrel at the end. On the left is a large painting of fruit. If you know your Hogwarts lore, you’ll know that that’s the entrance into the kitchen (or rather, the secret part of the kitchen where the elves slave away). That’s nice, but how do you get in?
How to Enter Secret Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy
In order to enter the Secret Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy, now that you know its location, you first need to complete the Jackdaw main quest. It’s slightly different depending on which house you’re in. If you’re in Gryffindor, it will actually take you straight into the secret kitchen. Those of you in other houses will take a different path, so to speak. That said, no matter where you belong, you’ll be able to access the kitchen after finishing Jackdaw’s mission. Cast Revelio in front of the fruit painting. You’ll get a prompt to tickle one of the pears. Complete that button prompt (press and hold it until the meter is full) to open the door to the secret kitchen.