Investigate the Goblin Presence, Hogwarts Legacy Percival Rackhams Trial
“Investigate the Goblin Presence” is one of the tasks you’ll need to complete in the “Percival Rackham’s Trial” quest line. Goblins and one of their rebellions are at the heart of Hogwarts Legacy’s story, and for the “Percival Rackham’s Trial” quest, we will need to figure out why they are here, and what they know about the tower.

Hogwarts Legacy Percival Rackhams Trial, Investigate the Goblin Presence
The “Investigate the Goblin Presence” task will ask players to look for evidence to “explain why the goblins are here” — with “here” being Percival Rackham’s trial. The very first thing you need to do here is to head to the quest’s location. Open your map, and the quest should be marked, so just head there. Here are further steps you’ll need to complete once you are at the location:
- Locate a big tent in the court, immediately left of some ruins with four standing pillars. Check out our image so that you know how the tent looks.
- Enter the tent, and inside, on a table, you’ll spot a letter.
- Pick up the letter by pressing square on the PS5, X on Xbox Series X/S, or F on the PC.
The message reads: “Search the tower and the surrounding area. Look for anything to do with the names. What you find here could be the key to goblin kind finally taking its rightful place in the world. Ragnarok.” Immediately upon leaving the tent, you’ll be attacked by a group of goblin assassins. Deal with these loyalist warriors and head inside the tower, as the letter suggested to you. And with that, you’ve completed the “Investigate the Goblin Presence” task. Of course, the “Percival Rackham’s Trial” quest is far from complete, but that’s out of this guide’s scope. Have fun on your adventures, and good luck!