Hogwarts Legacy Horklump Juice for Wiggenweld Potion
If you need Horklump Juice for the Wiggenweld Potion in Hogwarts Legacy and don’t know where to find some, we can point you in the right direction. The juice is one of two ingredients necessary to brew the healing potion, so having some on hand is going to be pretty useful. With that said, let’s begin!

How to Get Horklump Juice for Wiggenweld Potion in Hogwarts Legacy
There are two ways to get Horklump Juice for the Wiggenweld Potion in Hogwarts Legacy. The first one is simply purchasing it from J. Pippins Potions, one of the many shops in Hogsmeade. The same store also sells the Wiggenweld Potion, just in case you need to grab a bunch of healing things and don’t feel like grinding ingredients. Speaking of grinding ingredients, getting Horklump Juice from Pippins costs money. Finding the plants out in the wild is free. There are a number of places where they grow, but the most plentiful bounty will come from the appropriately named Horklump Hollow. It’s to the north of Hogsmeade. The map underneath will show you where to go.

That’s where you’ll find a lot of Horklump Juice in Hogwarts Legacy for the Wiggenweld Potion. There are a few before you go into the cave, but inside is where the real numbers are. By the way, Horklumps are mushroom-like things that grow spikes when you come to close. Just approach them and press Square or X or whatever your equivalent is to collect the juice. That, by the way, is one of two ingredients in the healing potion. The second are Dittany Leaves. We’ve covered that in detail in our How to Get Dittany Leaves in Hogwarts Legacy guide, so give that a read. Long story short, you have to buy seeds from Hogsmeade and grow the plants yourself.