Hogwarts Legacy Floating Candles Treasure Map for Ghost of Our Love
The Hogwarts Legacy Floating Candles treasure map in Ghost of Our Love is one of many such maps that you can find and solve. This one is a bit on the trickier side, since the clues you get are fairly vague. Plus, it needs to be a certain time of day, which those same clues don’t tell you. With that in mind, here’s the solution to the floating candles treasure map.

Hogwarts Legacy Ghost of Our Love Treasure Map with Floating Candles Solution
To solve the Ghost of Our Love treasure map with the floating candles in Hogwarts Legacy, the first step is to wait for the night to fall. Then, you need to go to the right location. That is the crossroads near the Forbidden Forest Floo Flame, about half the distance between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. You can see exactly where the place is in the screenshots below. On this road, there is a bridge just past the path that leads to the right and into the forbidden forest. Before you step onto the bridge, cast Lumos. This will cause three ghostly candles to appear out of thin air. It would potentially be kinda spooky if not for the adorable, cartoonish way they zip around.
Anyways, the next step to the solution of the Floating Candles Ghost of Our Love treasure map in Hogwarts Legacy is to come close to the candles. They will zip away towards the entrance of the Forbidden Forest, and your job is to follow them along. Don’t worry, they’ll wait for you if you fall too far back. Eventually, they will lead you to a knoll on which you’ll find a table for two. As you approach it, a chest will appear, and you can get your rewards from there. Do keep in mind that a Dark Mongrel spawns nearby, so be careful. You don’t want it ambushing you.