Hogwarts Legacy Dittany Leaves
The Hogwarts Legacy Dittany Leaves are an ingredient that you can use to brew the Wiggenweld Potion, the main healing item in the game. So, it’s important to know how to have a constant stream of leaves coming in. You don’t want to go broke buying potions from Hogsmeade. So, with that said, here’s the best way to make sure you have Dittany Leaves on hand.

How to Get Dittany Leaves in Hogwarts Legacy
The most reliable way to get Dittany Leaves in Hogwarts Legacy, you first need to play through the main quests until you complete the Herbology class. There, you’ll learn how to take care of plants and all the relevant mechanics. The next step is to head over to Hogsmeade and visit the shop called The Magic Neep. You can purchase Dittany Seeds from the store, which you can then plant in a pot of any size. The seeds, not the shop. All that’s left is to regularly take care of it and wait for the timer above the plant to run out. When it does, you can harvest the leaves for whatever you need it. Which is mostly going to be the Wiggenweld Potion.
So, that’s how you can get Dittany Leaves in Hogwarts Legacy. Of course, there are other sources, but it’s best to grow your own. Now, as for the Wiggenweld Potion, you can brew it yourself, too. After you’ve finished the Potion Class quest in the main story, of course. The Dittany Leaves are one of two ingredients, the other being Horklump Juice. Interact with the Potions Station in the classroom and then select Wiggenweld Potion from the menu. It takes about fifteen seconds or so to finish cooking. By the way, you can also purchase the potion from J. Pippins Potions in Hogsmeade. Just in case you need to stock up on healing items and don’t have the will to gather ingredients.