Change Character Appearance Hogwarts Legacy
Knowing how to change character appearance in Hogwarts Legacy might be something some of you might need. Perhaps you are unhappy with the character you’ve made at the beginning, or you just want to know what you’re options are. Well, you might not like what we have to say on the subject, but we’re just giving out facts here. Let’s begin.

How to Change Character Appearance in Hogwarts Legacy
The options to change your character appearance in Hogwarts Legacy are fairly thin once you’re done with the creation part. You cannot change your skin color, facial features, face shape, gender or voice once you start playing the game proper. So, be sure to spend as much time as necessary when creating your character and get every detail right. Otherwise, your only recourse is going to be to start over with a new character. Not exactly my favorite choice, especially considering there is an instance in the books where Hermione has her teeth shortened by magic, but whatever. It is what it is. And I’m not counting Polyjuice Potion here, since it turns you into a completely different person.
That’s not to say you can’t change your character appearance at all in Hogwarts Legacy. For example, there will be plenty of sets of clothing for your character to wear. These includes robes, outfits, neckwear, facewear, hats, wand handles, and so on. You get the idea. You’ll also have the option to change your hairstyle and hair color. Not at will, mind you, only in a specific location. Specifically, at the barbershop in Hogsmeade Village. So, when it comes to character creation, hair is the only thing you don’t really need to worry about. Everything else you need to be absolutely sure about before confirming your choices. And that’s about all there is to it.